January 3rd, 2021
Finding the Right Therapist

The hardest part…
The hardest part in deciding to seek therapy is, ironically enough, deciding to seek therapy. Congratulations on choosing YOU! You’ve taken the first step on your journey to discovery, healing, and happiness. Celebrate yourself for that! The second hardest part is finding a therapist that will be a good fit for you which, to be honest, will probably take some time and work. But trust me when I say, it’s worth the effort. After all, you will likely be sharing your most intimate thoughts, concerns, and feelings with this person. Therapy is most effective when you have a great bond with your therapist, but do you know what factors contribute to this? Much like dating, finding the right one for you will require answering some questions before setting out on the journey. Here are a few questions you may want to consider as you begin your search for the perfect match.
Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Therapist
Finding the right therapist is very much like dating. You have to put in the work and do a little research before agreeing to seeing the person face to face. I invite you to do some homework and answer these questions for yourself before starting your search for the right therapist. Knowing the answer to these questions beforehand will prove to make the search a lot easier.
Do I want my therapist to share the same characteristics like race, ethnicity, gender presentation, or sexual orientation?
Research has shown that the determining factor in whether or not therapy will be effective is the quality of the relationship between the client and the therapist. In order to be vulnerable and feel safe, there is a need to feel “understood” by your therapist; an organic connection. An example of this would be, in technical terms, cultural competence. Cultural competence is a therapist’s understanding of, and attention to “race, culture, and ethnicity in providing treatment.” If there are particular characteristics of a therapist that will allow you to feel more comfortable and ready to work, then search for that! One thing that GraySpace Counseling Group can pride ourselves on is that many of our clients have shared the same sentiment; “YOU GET ME!”
What type of approach works best for you?
Are you the type of person who needs to be gently nudged into making a change or would you rather a straight no chaser approach? This is important to consider when finding the right therapist for you. Are you someone who requires a lot of structure and homework to work through issues or do you prefer processing an issue from multiple perspectives until you find something that fits? This is something else to consider in your search. You may be able to get a sense of this from therapists’ websites, but it would be a great question to ask during a consultation or your first visit. As a therapist here at GCG, I can attest to the fact that we take a client centered approach to therapy. This means that we take the time to learn what works best for you, and adjust to what will progress you successfully through your therapeutic journey.
What would I like to achieve in therapy?
Exploring your “why” while searching for the right therapist can prove to be beneficial in your choosing. While it is common to enter therapy with only loose ideas of what you want to accomplish, you want to be sure to ask about a therapist’s experience and success in working with the issues you are presenting and their ideas of what may be helpful. Focus on what happiness looks like for you and what is blocking you from that. What are some things that you want to change about yourself that would lead to feeling better and more at peace?
Answering these questions will have you ready to “date” appropriately and find a therapist that will be the right fit for you. Again, kudos to you for starting your journey to an even better you. If you would like to begin your journey with us, simply click the link to book a session or contact us for a consultation. We’re holding space for you.