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Fall in Love with YOU!

Fall is here and I am happy! No, more like ecstatic! The leaves are beginning to change, the weather is cooling down, and then there’s PUMPKIN SPICE EVERYTHING! I’m slowly emerging from my summer hibernation and ready to slip on my boots, toss my scarf over my shoulder, and sip my seasonal latte as I casually wave to passersby. Yall,

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Finding the Right Therapist

The hardest part… The hardest part in deciding to seek therapy is, ironically enough, deciding to seek therapy. Congratulations on choosing YOU! You’ve taken the first step on your journey to discovery, healing, and happiness. Celebrate yourself for that! The second hardest part is finding a therapist that will be a good fit for you which, to be honest, will

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Coping Through Seasonal Depression

Causes for the “Holiday Humbugs” Generally, the holidays are a time of happiness, a time for spending quality time with family and friends, a time filled with excitement, joy and generosity but, the truth is…that’s not the case for everyone. In fact, the holidays can be a time of loneliness, depression, and anxiety for many. I like to call them

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